Anglais des situations professionnelles

Active reading on paper and on the screen

With the recent technological revolution, access to written information has greatly increased. To such an extent that everyone is inundated with e-mails and other material to read. As a result, we need to be able to read quickly and select the information that concerns us while at the same feeling confident that we haven't misread or even missed the most important information.

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Cross-cultural awareness and skills

Cross-border travel has become commonplace. We take the plane or the train and in no time at all we are in another country. We often visit our neighbours but de we really know them. Sometimes their behaviour surprises us. We lose our bearings. When things go wrong we resort to national stereotypes and explain away the difficulties in this way. How can we better understand another culture, accept the differences and work to better communication ?

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Presenting with impact

One of the most difficult situations for many professional people is speaking in public. Often, we have the added difficulty of having to speak in a language that is not our mother tongue. To feel more comfortable, we tend to rely even more on the slides we produce, which traps us into reading what is written so as to make sure we do not forget anything. The result can be rather boring.

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Succeed in your international negotiations

When we evoke the idea of international negotiations, what often springs to mind is the idea of politicians and diplomats having long high level discussions about economic or other matters. The reality for many professional people are negotiations which take place between members of the same company in different countries or the discussion of contracts with suppliers or the clients in English.

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