Succeed in your international negotiations
Preparing a negotiation
- What are the ingredients for success in preparing a negotiation?
- Defining the goal and the objective.
- Setting your outcomes and defining what is non-negotiable.
- Preparing the different arguments and anticipating objections.
- Defining your margin for manoeuvre and what are your possible concessions.
The negotiation meeting
- Consultation : using the techniques of questioning and reformulation to get the necessary information about the other party and their needs ; knowing when to move onto to the next stage of the negotiation.
- Confrontation : developing your arguments ; using the different strategies and their associated tactics ; dealing with objections.
- Conciliation : bringing together the outcomes of each party ; finalising the deal and recapping on what has been agreed.
Bringing the negotiation to a constructive conclusion
- Moving the discussion along.
- How to get past a deadlocked position and negotiate with difficult people.
- How to conclude to the advantage of both parties.
Dealing with cultural differences
- The dimensions of a culture and their effect on negotiating styles.
- Adapting to the culture of the other party.
- The seminar contains 80 per cent practical exercises with specially written role plays which allow the participants to train in negotiating, while being recorded on video.
- These sessions are followed by analysis of the recording and feedback on the application of the techniques. This feedback is complemented by theoretical input.
- A file of the contents is given to each participant.
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Faire un suivi des acquis
Tarif du suivi : 300 € HT
- 3 entretiens téléphoniques d’1heure, avec un formateur, répartis sur 3 mois
- Ou 2 heures d’entretien en face à face